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During the proceedings, Muth asserted that his military status was crucial to his case. "It is my judgement that my wife's murder was a hit by Iranian agents," said Muth. He added that this should be given greater weight because of the plot against the Saudi Ambassador. According to Muth, he and the ambassador had been working on the same issue: namely, U.S. military engagement with Iran.

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No I’m not complaining about the multitude of Hong Kong holidays or frequent get-togethers. I’m just making observations that in my new home away from home, holidays and family gatherings are the heart and soul of life – a stronger and more regular beat than that of many big cities in America today.

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Hong Kong is the culinary capital of Asia. A gastronomical tour of Asia without a visit to Hong Kong would be incomplete. Hong Kong is a place

which offers superb cuisine from around the world and an infinite choice of restaurants.

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