There are not many great journalists on cable news. Mark Haines, a CNBC host who died unexpectedly this week, was one of them.
The tributes have poured in for Mr. Haines, who was one of the founding anchors of CNBC. Watching his interviews with politicians, economists and CEOs was a business education. He was smart, incisive, witty and most of all -- someone interested in getting at the truth.
For a variety of tributes, check out for a deep look and tributes from his colleagues. But the best example of his interview style and his ability to ask tough questions, check out this link at, where he mixes it up with Martin Feldstein, a Harvard economist who made the mistake of going to talking points about Obamacare. He doesn't let Dr. Feldstein off the hook. Or, there was the time that Barney Frank didn't listen to Mr. Haines' questions -- with interesting results (watch this video to the end).
Mark Haines harkens back to the early days of cable television, back when it held out hope for deeper journalism and not just partisan arguments. Watching his interviews left the viewer smarter. That's more than you can say about 95 percent of the cable television hosts.